Thursday, September 22, 2011

"Death Note" Crimes

We all love Death Note, and all realize that it's a brilliantly made anime, but please...Refrain from copying it! We've all seen Spongebob, right? Well, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't dress up as a sponge and live in a pinnaple under the sea. However, people around the world have been copying Death Note.

One crime happened in Belgium, where they found two notes written in latin, saying, "Watashi wa Kira- desu" (I am Kira in japanese) placed next to the dead body of a Caucasian man. And kids around the world have been found carrying Death Notebooks around with them in school. I sort of understand the kids' reasoning, seeing as it must be some form of emotional outlet against those who have hurt them. If that's the case, it may be better for them to use that. But, to go to the extreme of actually killing a man...that's no better than Light.

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