Friday, September 23, 2011

Death Note: L is reveal

Finally!!! May we all celebrate, throw out hats up into the air, scream out in joy! I've finally reached the episode where we get to see L's face! And it's about time, too! 6 episodes? Grr....I've been impatiently waiting to see the man behind the computer screen.
However, when I saw his face, I realized that I've seen it before. I've seen in on a forum. What was the forum's topic? Hottest anime guys (yes, I admit it). Now, I don't understand. From what I've seen, L looks like a mixture of Dobby from Harry Potter, and a rabid raccoon. However, I do respet those fangirl's opinions...he is sort of mysteriously sexy. In a very creepy way.

Dobby + Rabid Raccoon= L

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